Section 1: Installing and Configuring
1. Getting Started
2. Acquiring and installing your Apache server
3. Starting, stopping, and restarting
4. Configuration Directives
5. Configuration Utilities (Daniel Lopez)
6. .htaccess files – Per-directory configuration
7. Virtual Hosts
Section 2: Advanced Configuration
8. MIME and file types
9. URL mapping
10. Content Negotiation
11. Directory indexing
12. Apache on Microsoft Windows
13. Performance tuning
Section 3: Dynamic Content
14. Handlers and Filters
15. CGI Programs
16. Server Side Includes
17. mod perl
18. PHP (Daniel Lopez)
Section 4: Security and Auditing
19. Apache Security (Allan Liska)
20. Security in dynamic content (Allan Liska)
21. Authentication and Authorization
22. SSL (Daniel Lopez)
23. Web Spiders
24. Logging
” The Apache Software License
” configure command line options
” Regular Expressions
” mod perl example code
” Apache history
” Where to get more information